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Showing posts from August, 2017

Is sex before marriage okay if you love each other?

No, sex before marriage is sinful even if you love each other.  Being in love doesn't alter the reality that the sexual act is outside of marriage, marriage being the ceremonial union of a man and woman in matrimony.  Sex outside of marriage is called fornication and the Bible definitely condemns it. Matt. 15:19-20, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders.  20 These are the things which defile the man." Acts 15:29, "...that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication; if you keep yourselves free from such things, you will do well." 1 Cor. 6:9-10, "Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,  10  nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit t...

Is premarital sex wrong?

WHAT PEOPLE SAY S ome cultures tolerate sexual activity between consenting unmarried adult individuals. In some areas it is viewed as acceptable for unmarried adolescents to engage in some forms of sexual intimacy. WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS The Bible uses the word “fornication” for some forms of sexual activity outside marriage. God expects his worshippers to “abstain from fornication.” (1 Thessalonians 4:3) Fornication is listed as a serious sin, as are adultery, spiritism, drunkenness, idolatry, murder, and thievery. —1 Corinthians 6:9, 10;Revelation 21:8. WHY IT MATTERS For one thing, the Bible warns that “God will judge fornicators.” (Hebrews 13:4) More important, by obeying God’s laws about sexual morality, we prove our love for Jehovah God. (1 John 5:3) He in turn blesses those who observe his commandments. —Isaiah 48:18.   Is it immoral for unmarried people to engage in any form of sexual intimacy? “Let fornication and uncleanness of ever...

GOD VS. FORNICATORS @SEX + NO MARRIAGE #fornication #fornicating #fornicated

IT'S TIME FOR US TO LEARN THE SEX LAWS OF GOD ALMIGHTY.  Is God going to forgive those who refuse his laws and rules about sexuality? Or will He punish them?  God already told us (read below). And we thank GOD that there is forgiveness of sins and mistakes available to us, before it's too late.... "Fornication" is defined as "voluntary sexual intercourse between two unmarried persons or two persons not married to each other." "fornicari, ‘to commit fornication,’ from which is derived fornicatio, ‘whoredom, fornication.’" How does God Almighty define a marriage? Jesus Christ teaches: " Have ye not read, that he  [GOD ALMIGHTY]  which made them at the beginning   made them  male  and  female , And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother ,  and shall  cleave  to his  wife : and  they twain shall be  one   flesh ? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore  ...


You might feel like your life is falling apart, but there are reasons to never give up on life or on yourself.   1. You're a beautiful human being, whether others realize that or not.   2. Your life has   value   and you should learn to respect yourself enough to see that.   3. If you're feeling worse than usual lately, here are some reasons to never give up on life or on yourself: 4.  You never know when you're going to wake up and live the best day of your   life .   5. You don't want to miss out on that.   6. Even if your   situation   is pretty crummy right now, things could get better sooner than you're expecting.   7. One of the   reasons   to never give up is because you deserve to experience happiness--and they'll be a whole lot of it in your future.   Just wait and see. See you at the top doing great. O.MISERICODIA.

Be Strong, Be Fearless, Never Give Up on Yourself, Don’t live in regret!

Never give up on yourself. Whatever your problems you must show the determination to go for your dreams and become your best self. When facing challenging circumstances, why do some people weaken and spiral towards self-destruction while others survive and even thrive? Those that focus on their problems, obstacles, and uncontrollable circumstances, by focusing on the things they don’t want in life, are giving these circumstances the power to keep them down. Alternatively when we see our obstacles as lessons to help us to better understand our situation, to adapt and alter those things we are doing, then we are able to turn things around. You need a ‘Can, Will and Must’ attitude to help you crash through barriers with courage and determination. With this attitude you can do anything. The importance of this has come clearer to me over the last few months following my frequent visits to hospitals and the almost constant consultations I’ve had with various doctors. Being sic...


H appiness is a state of ineffable well-being and contentment that results from achieving what you consider " good ." Here's how to find your purpose, move into self-acceptance, and follow your path to true, lasting happiness. O.MISERICODIA.

8 Mindset Shifts To Help You Tap Into A Sense Of Purpose Any Time, Anywhere.

Jim Collins wrote, "It is impossible to have a great life unless it is a meaningful life. And it is very difficult to have a meaningful life without meaningful work." If you’re in the doldrums, craving more meaning in your work life, these mindset shifts will get you on the path to a greater sense of purpose: 1 . Focus on your values. When your main focus is on all the ways your job is lacking, you can lose sight of the many ways that your job may actually be fulfilling. To get more in touch with the ways your job is meaningful, take some time to consider your   core values . To do this, simply write down your top five values, then reflect on how your job aligns with them. For example, if being of service is important to you, consider the ways your job allows you to serve others. If you discover that there’s too much of a disconnect, it might be time to move on.  2. Take small steps. Although it sounds. romantic to abandon everything, move to Bali, and write your...

5 Signs You Complain Too Much (And How To Stop).

We all complain. It's part of the human experience. Our neighbor's dog poops on our lawn, the local stores raised their prices again, and our laptop just broke down and the repair technician is charging us a fortune. So we need to complain just a little. But sometimes we get into the habit of complaining, over and over and over again, and it becomes part of our daily life. Nobody wants to be "that person." The negativity is not good for you, and it's likely to bring down your loved ones, as well. How can you tell if you're in "complaint overdrive?" Here are some of the signs: 1. You always the glass half empty: When you begin running in the negative fast lane, you're going to find that you're fueled by complaints. Take a moment to assess if you always find the flaw in everything, even if it's "mostly good." Self-awareness is the first step in solving everything, and the sooner you 'fess up about your dismal outlook ...

How To Use Meditation In Any Situation.

No matter what the situation is, no matter what is happening in your life, no matter whether you have meditated for 10 minutes or 10 years, meditation has the capacity to support you. We can learn to use meditation in daily life to grow our capacity to be with what is happening, strengthen our body and mind connection, gain new perspective, and find the ability to move through situations with more grace and ease. Here is a list of meditation practices that you can use daily to help navigate trickier moments, cultivate calmness and balance, and increase your overall mindfulness. Meditation for dealing with stress: STOP: Stop. Take a breath. Observe. Proceed.  STOP is a mindfulness practice that helps you pause, take in what is happening, and then act with more awareness and wisdom. Think of it as an immediate mindfulness intervention to help redirect how you are going to respond. The practice involves these four simple steps: What are you doing. Tak...

Don't Start A New Relationship Until You've Done These 4 Things.

Within six weeks of my marriage ending, I found myself gallivanting all around Colorado with a much younger man.He was an instructor at my yoga studio who, through his intoxicating looks and 20-something prowess, helped me temporarily forget that my life was actually in complete shambles (I had suddenly become a 40-year-old single mother of three without any plans for my future). We’d go on long hikes, spend afternoons wrapped in my bedsheets, and travel to hidden hot springs and tropical beaches enmeshed in the physical comfort of each other. It was a delicious distraction, but once it came to an end, I was left to face myself. I had to deal with the raw emotional pain that would trap me until I dealt with it. I knew I wouldn't be able to move on to a fulfilling relationship before I did that. Over the next few years, I attended support groups and coaching sessions, shed tears over past choices, spent nights reading personal growth books, and tried to make sense of the madnes...