Do not take life's experiences too seriously. Above all, do not let them hurt you, for in reality they are nothing but dream experiences... Trust in God and destroy fear, which paralyzes all efforts to succeed and attracts the very thing you fear. You are a child of God. What have you to fear? Fear of failure or sickness is cultivated by turning over such thoughts in the conscious mind until they become rooted in the subconscious and finally in the superconscious. Then the superconsciously and subconsciously rooted fear begins to germinate and fill the conscious mind with fear plants that are not so easy to destroy as the original thought would have been, and these eventually bear their poisonous, death-dealing fruits.... Uproot them from within by forceful concentration upon courage, and by shifting your consciousness to the absolute peace of God within. Whatever it is that you fear, take your mind away from it and leave it to God. Have faith in Him. Much ...
This is a platform where life issues facing our generation as a teenagers and youths are been attended to. On this platform life matter is important and opinions from other teachers will also be made available. We deals with: Spiritual growth, Relationships issues, Leaderships challenges, Academics matters. And other life problems. I encourage everyone to visit this platform frequently for more answers to life problems.