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Rejection: How to Let Go of Someone Who Treats You Badly

It’s tempting to stay and try to fix it. But sometimes, leaving is the only option. During most of my early dating years, I was drawn to guys who treated me badly and learned to settle for less than I deserved from relationships. Truth be told, my divorce was the catalyst that showed me that I was attracting partners who were at a similar level of woundedness and didn’t know how to go about attracting a healthy, loving partner. You may be at risk for toxic relationships if you become so absorbed in your partner’s problems you don’t often have time to identify, or solve, your own. Or, you care so deeply about your partner that you’ve lost track of your own needs. Growing up, were you often in a caretaker role with one or both parents or your siblings? Are you a people pleaser who feels that you have to be in a good mood or positive when you are with your friends, family, or an intimate partner? If you have this tendency, you may find setting l...
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“If you love your pastor, you might love him more if you read this. I write it out of overflowing wonder at his calling.”

The Impossible Calling of the Christian Preacher Christian preacher, your calling is astounding. Indeed, your life is astounding. I hope you are amazed at your miraculous existence in Christ. As a Christian, you are not unique, but you are astounding.  Astounding Existence When Jesus Christ was raised from the dead by “the immeasurable greatness of the power” of the Creator, he “was seated at the right hand” of God in heaven (Ephesians 1:19–20). That is where the God-man is today. Waiting for the last trumpet. As I write, there he is. As you preach, there he is. “You are called to do what only God can do open the eyes of the blind.” Then after telling us that Christ is sitting at God’s right hand, Paul tells us that you are sitting there with him. Now. Today.  God made us alive together with Christ . . . and raised us up with him and  seated us with him  in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:5–6)  He put you there when he made yo...

A very warm thanks to you all

A very warm thanks to all my  DEAR   FAMILY MEMBERS ( Ogunseye's Family ), O.MERCY FOUNDATION GROUP, Elyon Technologies, Summit Intelligence System (SiS), NaFFS (National Fellowship of Foursquare Students) NaFFS NORTHERN REGION, Foursquare Students Fellowship (F.S.F) Igbesa, KG (Kingdom General Intl), AMT (Foursquare Auditorium Management Team.), Foursquare I.C.T and Media Crew, Foursquare Gospel Church Members, Dear Friends, Individuals. Just like many other people in this world, I also waited the entire year for my grand day; my Birthday. This day has attained such enthusiasm in my life just because of you all. Your endless heart melting blessings and wishes make my entire life blossom and prosper in such a unique way that cannot be expressed in words. Birthday is a day that is dedicated to you, a day that is solely yours; and each one of you makes this statement true to the core for me by being present in the most exceptional way on my birthday and making it the gra...

Meet Obed Mercy My Wonderful Friend and Sister

She's a lady full of commendable qualities, full of a grace and very humble in her very own way.  Hmmmm Knowing you is a blessings, a kind hearted person with simplicity... A very industrious kind of person and a visionary person, A business orientated person to be precise everything about her is business, how to make multiply that money in her hand I will say business is her way... A Very moral person and always buttress person with word of encouragement from her always. She so much believe in positivity towards life's irrespective of the situations and challenges at that moment. Her motto will always be like "yes we can do it" "it's possible" is her word always so I concluded in my very own heart that "word" called "impossibility" is not and cannot be found in her dictionary of life. Her Hobbies: She so much love internet that she can sleep and wake up on internet but funny enough she doesnt code, hmmm that's car...

When Temptation Holds Out Pleasure.

Can a dead thing make you happy? Strange question, I know. In the moments when we’re vacillating between obeying God or disobeying God, though, the question might help identify who or what we are really believing in for joy. For me, a lot of my life was wasted on the assumption that dead things were the best things. Dead things being another way to describe “sinful things” all the ways we try to be happy when we’re dead in our trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1). I intentionally and persistently chose behaviors and affections that dishonored God and neighbor, because I figured they had the ability to satisfy me. And in some ways, they did. If the experience of a particular sin felt abominable to the sinner, they’d most likely replace it with another sin that felt good. Sinners don’t just sin because, being sinners, they have to. Sinners sin because they want to they enjoysinning (John 3:19). Being made in the image of God, we were made for joy, but not ...

What God Can Do in Five Seconds

God can do more in five seconds than we can do in five hours or months or years. This is one reason the habit of prayer is wise. Sometimes we do not get the five second breakthrough because we do not ask. To be sure, God ordains to do many good things through hours or months or years of labor. Prayer is not meant to replace toil. For example, God wills that a chapter be read, or a meal prepared, or a friend visited in the space of hours not seconds. He wills that a house be built in months not hours. He wills that a child be reared in years not months. But there are breakthroughs which could come in seconds. They often take us hours or days or months if they come at all. I have in mind especially the breakthroughs of insight that open a world of life changing truth and practical wisdom. All of Us Have Blind Spots and Blind Moments Many obstacles to joy and fruitfulness are owing to the fact that we cannot see reality the way it is. We cannot see the meaning of a biblical...

The Beauty of Womanhood, Her Uniqueness Makes Her Essential

“Who is this who looks down like the dawn, beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun, awesome as an army with banners?” (Song 6:10) Who indeed? A woman, of course. Where but in the Scriptures could we find a vision of womanhood as glorious as this? Who but our God could design something with such blinding beauty alongside robust strength? The Psalms and Proverbs fill out this vision of a woman that shows us fortitude clothed in splendor — a woman who presides over her domain with strong arms and resourcefulness (Proverbs 31); daughters that are corner pillars, whose strong support could only be matched by their exquisiteness (Psalm 144:12). Women Only “Our culture exchanges the glory of feminine strength for a treadmill race to nowhere.” Yet, the vision our culture offers is a sad consolation that exchanges the glory of feminine strength for a treadmill race to nowhere. It squanders the kind of influence that is found primarily in the soil of the home. The home that cent...

Date Differently This Year: Four Resolutions for Better Relationships.

It takes extraordinary courage to change how you date. It’s not easy to reset boundaries, communicate better, flee sexual immorality, confess failures, and end the relationship that needs to end. But you will never regret making the right changes. There were moments in when I knew things needed to change, but the costs kept me from changing sooner. What will others think about me when I confess how I’ve failed? What if I fail again, and things never get better? What if the change I need means I’m single and alone again? Like a merciless lawyer, Satan piled up every conceivable reasons not to do what I knew I had to do to make excuses, to put off decisions, to be almost honest with friends and family, to stay in unhealthy relationships, to avoid Christ and indulge in sin. I have prayed that the four resolutions that follow might give someone the courage to do what you’ve been afraid to do for weeks, for months, maybe even for years. To lay down your excuses. To take up yo...

The Power of Spiritual Agreement or Oneness

Spiritual agreement is powerful because it combines the prayer power of individuals into a new spiritual entity that is "greater than the sum of the parts". This is first encountered (in a negative way) at the building of the Tower of Babel: Genesis 11:6 And Jehovah said, Behold! The people is one and they all have one language. And this they begin to do. And now nothing which they have imagined to do will be restrained from them. The "group mind" focuses the energy of the individuals onto a purpose, just like sunlight is focused by a magnifying glass and can burn paper or wood. These highly focused prayers and spiritual intents can bring about major spiritual transformations. Thus Jesus wants His Church to be united and powerful. Unity Is A Sign Of Maturity And Leads To Great Spiritual Power Ephesians 4:3-13 endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.  ….(11)  And truly He gave some to be apostles, and some to be prophets, and some to ...


MY Mother who sat and wash my Infant head, when sleeping on my cradle bed, and tears of sweet affection shed? My Mother! My Mother, her strength amazes us, Her Love amazes me. Her support to my Dad amazes me. My Mother, she will conceal her weaknesses just to make us stronger. Growing under her tutelage has not been easy for a tough boy that I was alongside my Brother Mercy. We were more like the thorn in the Flesh, I remember then and even up till now where all you needed to do is go on your kneels over any situation. You taught us to pray but beyond teaching we saw you prayed, we saw you intercede for us. You birth us in Prayer, little wonder we were assured of Hope that does not defer. Our path has been aided through your prayers. I remember how you kept vigils and still do and will hear you mentioning our names one after the other. One morning, a Muslim Family friend called in and was pleading to you to pray on her behalf for her daughter who was at the point of death and of cou...


Growing up has never been a lot easier without you daddy. Our pursuit of God today was years of training and dealings. Our pursuit of the things of God today has been your constant teachings during devotions. Your love for your children keeps us amazed. This is the only father I know that will ensure you don't go hungry alongside mummy. We saw your love deeper when you were running a program at University of Ilorin, the pursuit of education and knowledge has been your message to us. This is a father that will rather not spend his salary just to ensure your children are looking good. Your constant coming to our room every night to check whether we are all asleep and sound is amazing. I remember those days and even up till now that I will lock myself in my room having retreat or enjoying fellowshipping with God and you will ask me "when are you going to eat" "hope you are not bored" you will so much persist until I will open that I was having retreat or fellows...