MY Mother who sat and wash my Infant head, when sleeping on my cradle bed, and tears of sweet affection shed? My Mother! My Mother, her strength amazes us, Her Love amazes me. Her support to my Dad amazes me. My Mother, she will conceal her weaknesses just to make us stronger. Growing under her tutelage has not been easy for a tough boy that I was alongside my Brother Mercy. We were more like the thorn in the Flesh, I remember then and even up till now where all you needed to do is go on your kneels over any situation. You taught us to pray but beyond teaching we saw you prayed, we saw you intercede for us. You birth us in Prayer, little wonder we were assured of Hope that does not defer. Our path has been aided through your prayers. I remember how you kept vigils and still do and will hear you mentioning our names one after the other. One morning, a Muslim Family friend called in and was pleading to you to pray on her behalf for her daughter who was at the point of death and of course you did and God performed the miraculous. You strength is awesome, nothing weighs you down easily. You took care of us and wished you could do more.
Your level of discernment is sharp and this could only have been the product of Intercourse with Immortality.
You have taught us like the bible says in the way we should go and we are confident that we can never depart from the Way.
I remember how you put your life on the line to ensure people’s lands around our community were not snatched. The fear of my Mother is the beginning of Wisdom for the “Omo onile” Your passion for Prison Evangelism is challenging. You are indeed a Help meet for my Dad.
Please celebrate with me, My Mother, who sat and washed my Infant head, when sleeping on my cradle bed and tears of sweet affection shed.
My Mother!
Happy Birthday Mummy.
Ogunseye Israel and His family,
Osunlakin Kemi and Her family,
Sister Titilayo,
Babatunde and
We say we love you mama.
Your level of discernment is sharp and this could only have been the product of Intercourse with Immortality.
You have taught us like the bible says in the way we should go and we are confident that we can never depart from the Way.
I remember how you put your life on the line to ensure people’s lands around our community were not snatched. The fear of my Mother is the beginning of Wisdom for the “Omo onile” Your passion for Prison Evangelism is challenging. You are indeed a Help meet for my Dad.
Please celebrate with me, My Mother, who sat and washed my Infant head, when sleeping on my cradle bed and tears of sweet affection shed.
My Mother!
Happy Birthday Mummy.
Ogunseye Israel and His family,
Osunlakin Kemi and Her family,
Sister Titilayo,
Babatunde and
We say we love you mama.